🎊We have good news!!!
Application process for vendors at ''Thai Street Food Market in Prussia Park'' (ThaiPark) 2023 is already ONLINE!!!
Application period: 01.02.2023 - 28.02.2023
👉The Thai Association in Berlin e.V. is accepting applications during application period from vendors who would like to sell food and beverages in the Thai Street Food Market (ThaiPark Berlin from April to October 2023).
We kindly ask interested persons to fulfill the application requirements. Please print the application form and fill it out in German or Thai.
The application form with the documents and photos should be sent to the address of the association:
Thai Association in Berlin e.V., Pangea-Haus, Trautenau Str. 5, 4.O.G. Room414, 10717 Berlin or by e-mail: thaiparkberlin@gmail.com.
Application deadline on 28.02.2023 until 4 pm.
Announcement of results : Expected on 10.03.2023