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Writer's pictureThaipark in Berlin


Thai-Verein and ThaiPark wish you and your families a happy 2 . Advent Sunday. As promised in the last post, today we would like to give you some information about ''The Logo Concept of ThaiPark''. Let's get started!!!!

Number 2. the logo concept of ThaiPark (Thai street food market)

The curved symbol is reminiscent of the Thai art style ,,Kano''.

It represents a T and a P at the same time; the T in Thai national colors stands for Thai, the P in German national colors for Park.

In the background you can see the pagoda of Wat Arun in Bangkok.

It stands for Thai culture and art and is supposed to be a good omen for the park.

Next to it you can see the Berlin Cathedral, which stands for Berlin.

The green color of the background is reminiscent of the park and at the same time stands for nature, fertility, warmth and happiness.

The logo should be a sign of love and solidarity of all Thais in Germany.

Everything on the Thai Park logo has its meaning.

For number 3rd-4th, we will share you in the next Advent Sunday posts.

See you again!

(Logo designed by Mr. Somchai Nilkaew) ________________________________ Instagram: thaiparkinberlin Webseite: E-mail: #thaipark #thaistreetfoodmarktinberlin

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